About Us

We are Esmeda's, three girls who started this blog to inspire you with pictures, tips and DIY's. We're students educated in Styling & Design Management and met each other at this school. 

We're in our final year now, and realize that time is going so fast and what we all miss if we don't make the best of it. After this year we'll go our own ways, but we hope we'll stay connected because of this blog we make for you and ourselfs. 

Everybody has it hard sometimes in this society. That's why we wan't to show you that life is short and that we should just enjoy it! With lovely pictures and clips and our texts we wan't to give you a message, and inspire and maybe even motivate you with it. 

Unfortunately we don't have a lot of time, and that's why we wan't to put everything out of life, together with you!

We'll just let you scroll and discover everything on the blog and leave a comment, stay in touch with us!


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